Get The Images Your parents want to buy!
Quality Photography for schools and nurseries
in and around Yorkshire.

competitive pricing
relaxed session
online purchasing

You deserve school photos that parents love
- Worried they will let you down?
- Concerned the kids won't like them?
- Not sure how the process works?
Existing Clients Experiences

I have photographed staff, individual and sibling pupil photographs at this school since 2012, the children are fantastic and I now know them well, they are relaxed in front of my camera and it has been a privelege to see them progress from nursery through to year six, I also photograph family portraits at their seasonal fairs.
They have kindly recommended me to another local school - Crowlees J&I School, and I have also photographed there doing individual, sibling,staff and full class photography since 2018.

I photograph at many nurseries, but my longest relationship is with Childrens Place in Dewsbury, I regularly photograph three times a year here, individual, sibling and family portraits. I have photographed special celebration days during their history, and have a fantastic relationship with both the staff and the children.

Mirfield Free Grammar is an upper school and sixth form college, I have photographed here for many years for the website and prospectus, proms and staff images both for the main stream school and in the sixth form college. MFG is part of an academy and I have photographed at other schools falling under its umbrella. My eldest children attended this school and it has a wonderful ethos that I have hopefully captured throughout the years.
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Simple Process
We hop on a quick call, so that I can assess and understand your needs and you can learn about the process and ask all your questions.
Sit back while I takes care of all the details. I make sure that I am set up and ready to go, EARLY.
I deliver the proof and order form packs to the school in person, all are named and ready in class bundles to hand out to each year group. Ensuring minimum fuss for the school / nursery.

Trust your School Photographer
Too many schools & nurseries end up disappointed with their photos, you need to feel confident that you can present images that parents love and want to buy, or that reflect your school ethos on your website.
This is why I take the time to work with a child or group to achieve natural smiles, and a comfortable pose, that ensures a happy session.
I am familiar and have regularly worked with children that have special needs, and I am happy to take guidance on these children from the school.
So that you get great photos that parents are happy with and help fund raising,
Or create the best promotion of your school on your website or social media.

What Next?
The next questions are can we see example images and the packages available.
What commission will we receive?
I get it, trust me. Not only do you want great school photography, but it's important to make sure everything lines up right on the session day and beyond.
To see my pricing and learn more about how I can help you click below.

Your school/ nursery photographs will be carried out efficiently and effectively. I remove blemishes such as dirty marks on jumpers, ties etc....
I deliver the proofs, order forms and then the final orders to the school in person.
I will provide free of charge a disk of all the pupil photographs for the school to use on their own systems for report cards etc.. if required.
All staff images are provided FREE of charge.
The school / nursery receives commission on profit from every sale, Boosting Fundraising, 15-20%
Additionally I also offer general school photography images suitable for prospectus, website, school promotion and cover school events including proms - costed on a commercial day rate.Schedule a chat
To see my pricing and learn more about how I can help you click to schedule a chat.